How to export Hubspot snippets

The Issue

We all love Hubspot.
It's powerful, useful and full of little tweaks that make our day to day lives easier.
Tweaks like email templates and snippets - little hotkeys that make short work of otherwise tedious tasks like writing emails.
And if you want to powerup your email templates - many tools and the hubspot API have you covered.
But for Hubspot snippets it's a different story.
Because the API currently lacks any ability to modify snippets - if you want to edit anything approaching a large amount of snippets then your only options seems to be settling in for a long night of clicking through menus.

The Solution

Enter Snippet Power Tools (*hey, that's the name of this site*).
Our chrome extension hooks straight into your browser and works directly in the hubspot snippets page.
This allows us to bypass the API and get the import task of exporting and importing done straight on the page.

The possibilities

What can you do with exporting and importing?

What to spell check all your snippets?
Export your snippets, dump it in Excel, go to Review > Spelling, fix everything up, export to .tsv
Then import it back into your snippets page.

There - wasn't that fast?

Want to swap out a products name?
Do the same thing, just use a find and replace on the old name.

Want to duplicate the snippets but for a different company?
Export, dump, copy all your snippets, duplicate them, remove the snippet-ids on the new snippets and change up the hotkeys, swap out the company name, export to .tsv, import, done.

I bet that saved some time.